- Title: Santa Lucía: Romería del Labrador
- Description: Photos of the Romería del Labrador held in Santa Lucia de Tirajana, Gran Canaria, in December. Taken with Samsung S23 Ultra mobile phone.
- Owner: Canary Content
- Views: 94
- ID: 50797
- Keywords: Decber, festival, fiesta, Gran Canaria, Labrador, Romería, Santa Lucía, Tirajana
- Added: Dec 27, 2023
- Created: Dec 17, 2023
- Filename: PSX_20231227_081348.jpg
- Colors:
- Digital Downloads
Web version
License: Editorial Use
Resolution: 1536 x 2048 px ( 13cm x 17.3cm @ 300 dpi )
Format: jpg
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- Date Created: 2023-12-17 00:00:00
- Filename: PSX_20231227_081348.jpg
- File Date/Time: 1703665289
- File Size: 9136967
- File Type: 2
- Mime Type: image/jpeg
- Sections Found: ANY_TAG, IFD0, EXIF, GPS
- Make: samsung
- Model: Galaxy S23 Ultra
- XResolution: 72/1
- YResolution: 72/1
- Resolution Unit: 2
- Software: Adobe Photoshop Express (Android)
- Date/Time: 2023:12:27 08:13:49
- Exif IFD Pointer: 218
- GPS IFD Pointer: 652
- Exposure Time: 1/1300
- FNumber: 22/10
- Exposure Program: 2
- ISO Speed Ratings: 50
- Exif Version: 0231
- Date/Time Original: 2023:12:17 13:45:58
- Date/Time Digitized: 2023:12:17 13:45:58
- Shutter Speed Value: 10344296/1000000
- Aperture Value: 2275007/1000000
- Metering Mode: 2
- Focal Length: 220/100
- Color Space: 1
- GPS Latitude Ref: N
- GPSLatitude 0: 27/1
- GPSLatitude 1: 54/1
- GPSLatitude 2: 43989119/1000000
- GPS Longitude Ref: W
- GPS Longitude 0: 15/1
- GPS Longitude 1: 32/1
- GPS Longitude 2: 28370400/1000000